6 Bedroom Things To Change To Get An Amazing Night Sleep: Sleep is an important part of life and your day to day. Your bedroom plays an important part of getting a better sleep. There are some things in your bedroom you can change which will improve your sleep. Here are some calming bedroom ideas which includes cosmetics and night time habits when getting ready to settle down. @chloedominik #calmingbedroomideas #calmingbedroomdecor #sleeproutine #bedroomsleepbetter #bedroomideasforbettersleep

6 Bedroom Things To Change To Get An Amazing Night Sleep

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Getting a good night sleep is important for our health, well being and linked to lots of other things to help us live a better and happy life. And our bedroom design has a big part to play in how we can rest well and sleep easy. Not to mention just enjoy the space!

If you’re tossing and turning at night there are few changes you can make to your bedroom that will help you get a peaceful night sleep.

1. Colour

The colour of your bedroom plays an important part in you getting a peaceful sleep. Choosing muted colour tones such as soft pastels, warm neutrals and earthy tones are the best bet in achieving a restful room.

If you are thinking of repainting remember to try out your chosen colour in a few different places around the room. This way you can see what the colour translates to throughout different times of the day.

2. Tidy Up

The most important thing overall is to make sure you keep your bedroom space tidy. You might need to have a major declutter and organize to get it in order. Or you might just need to pick up a couple of things and make sure they’re out the way.

Either way going to bed in a surrounding mess doesn’t bode well for yourself. Physical items around us affect our energy and health a lot more than we realise!

3. Drapery

Making sure you have the right kind of drapery for your windows. If you are a light sleeper black out curtains are a must, especially if your bedroom is in a location that gets a lot of sun coming through in the morning.

For a really sensitive sleeper wearing an eye mask might help in that area.

4. Turn Off

TVs in the bedroom are a definite no if you’re having trouble sleeping. Falling asleep while the TV is on is just another way of keeping our brains working over time even when we think it’s helping us to drift off.

Even if you do fall asleep with the TV on you’ll probably find you’ll drift off in to a deeper sleep when not having the TV on. Reading a book before you go to bed is a much better way to get yourself off to sleep.

5. Alarm Clock

It’s very easy for us to use our phone as an alarm clock. But the problem is the standard phone does so much more nowadays. It is effectively a mini computer at our finger tips and that means more distractions.

We tend to keep it right next to us even in sleep! The signals our phone is constantly giving out and receiving is non stop and that means its affecting us too. That’s even when we’re not using it. Then we’ll jump on the phone to have a quick look on Instagram or some other app which can send our brains into overdrive even more so.

Try swapping out your phone for an non digital alarm clock. No bright screens or neon numbers jumping out at you! And no distractions.

If you still to prefer to use your phone place it outside your room and set it on loud. This way you won’t be on your phone last thing at night and there’s no chance of snoozing in the morning!

6. The Right Lighting

Ideally the darker your bedroom is when laying your head down to sleep the better. But if you’re one of those people who usually end up doing something before going to bed a bedside lamp is needed. But it has to be the right kind of lighting. Nothing too bright, so check the bulb wattage you currently have.

Soft and ambient lights is best for the bedroom, so make sure your night lamps have shades to dim down the lighting.

What things are you going to be changing in your bedroom to help you get a good night sleep? Let me know in the comments below!


6 Bedroom Things To Change To Get An Amazing Night Sleep: Sleep is an important part of life and your day to day. Your bedroom plays an important part of getting a better sleep. There are some things in your bedroom you can change which will improve your sleep. Here are some calming bedroom ideas which includes cosmetics and night time habits when getting ready to settle down. @chloedominik #calmingbedroomideas #calmingbedroomdecor #sleeproutine #bedroomsleepbetter #bedroomideasforbettersleep

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