8 Relatable Moments To Know It’s Time To Get Organized!
We all go through times when we have moments or realizations that we need to get organized! Like, seriously organized! But even though we might recognize those thoughts, often it can be a while before anything gets done about it. Creating a back log of stuff piling up and a harder task of organization in the long run!
Before it gets to the point of organization overwhelm here are some moments that you might consider a refresh or a total organization do over for home and life…
1. You Can’t Find What You’re Looking For
Every item should have it’s designated place or area. When you know what the item that you’re looking for it shouldn’t have to be a 2 hour hunt. Even if it’s not an item you use often, when things are properly categorized and put its place will be easy to find when needed.
It’s so much easier to organize the house room by room or by one area at a time. Breaking down the decluttering in to smaller areas is the best way to beat the overwhelm!
2. The Drawers & Closets Are Bursting
I think hallway closets could be the main culprit under this! When you’re literally having to unload coat after coat and piles of stuff to get to the jacket you’re after! It’s time for a sort out. That covers other areas around the home as well like the bedroom. Fighting to get the drawers shut due to the stuffed clothes? If you struggling to part the clothes on your closet rail then all of those are signs to get your clothes organized.
3. You Need A Larger House
If you find yourself saying that you need a larger house, this is a sure moment that you might need some time to get organized! Getting a new house for a growing family is one thing but entirely different if you need it to house more stuff!
Obviously saying you need a larger place is totally different to actually buying. But if something that you hear yourself saying a lot it probably time to have a look around. How much of the things you have do you actually use or need? A larger home inevitably means more space for even more stuff! So make the most of the space you already have with a good declutter.
4. Misplacing Every Day Items
We’ve all found ourselves here I’m sure (on more than one occasion)! Heading out the house without those essentials we rely on. Our house keys, car keys or phone. It’s more than annoying! But if it’s happening on a regular basis then it something that needs looking at. Have a clear out and consider creating a drop zone in the hallway, kitchen or living room to eliminate misplacing your key items. It could be as simple as placing a little basket near the door for your keys.
5. Shopping More Than Regular
This goes for food items as well as clothing. Have you ever gone and food items to find that when you get home you already have it way back in the cupboard or the fridge? Unnecessary and a waste of money.
With clothes its the same it’s always good to have some basic items and favourites. But how many similar clothing items do you need? It’s always good idea to keep stock of what’s in your closet and your kitchen.
6. Forgetting Items & Things
If you’ve gone out to buy something and come back with everything but the item you went for! Or an appointment that you’ve forgotten about? Sometimes its literally about writing a few things down. Whether it’s keeping a journal, buying a wall calendar or a to do list.
So often we think we can remember everything before its creeps up on us. But we usually have so much going on in our head it’s easy to get distracted. A good reason to keep notes elsewhere other than our phones and another reason to keep clutter to a minimum!
7. The Day Is Overly Busy Or Stressful
Do you find yourself rushing from the moment you wake up? And not in a good way? If that’s the case you’re probably rushing based on other peoples agendas. Emails, work, the kids whatever it may be. Or it could be lack of a good night sleep. A good way to get organized is for you to try and get into a morning routine. Just start off with one or two things for the morning and work from there. It will help you get in to a good frame of mind to begin your day.
8. Not Inviting Friends Round
We all like to get out and about to meet friends and catch up. But sometimes it’s nice to have a catch up at home for a cozy and relaxed chat. Not inviting your friends around might be a sign to get organized. Know what design styles suit your lifestyle so it’s easy to keep on top of your daily organizing.
See if you relate to any of the moments above and decide where you need to get organized first!
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